This service was created to offer patients an alternative to hospitals and inpatient EEG services. We offer a comfortable setting for the application process and then you spend your time AT HOME, or in the comfort of your hotel room, for our patients who travel in. Our goal is to get you the best possible data collection and deliver a positive experience.

Brad Levy
COO, Brain Science Technologies, EEG to go
Brad had no medical experience, prior to his daughters sudden onset seizures and then epilepsy diagnosis in March 2005. Soon after, Brad and his family began their journey, enduring several long-term stays in the hospital for EEG monitoring. A few years later, after successful epilepsy surgery at Matell UCLA, Brad took a contract to launch a start-up neurology clinic and EEG lab. In 2015, Brad worked with Lifelines Neurodiagnostics and Dr. David Millett to refine and create the ideal equipment and protocol to handle our niche business.
“I love my Autism community, and my system needs to withstand ANY and ALL circumstances that may pop up, in order for me to get the EEG done. That’s all that matters.”
Brad, his wife Candy, and daughter Sofie are also the founders of Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland. 2017 will be the 5th annual, which has grown into a 3-day event:
For a hobby, Brad “collects Epileptologists and Neurosurgeons”, meaning that he is always on the search for well-trained Epilepsy specialists to add to both , our referral network as well as the speaking roster at the EAD Expo each November.
Prior to Epilepsy changing his life, Brad was in specialty retail in the Los Angeles and OC area for over 25 years. “I know people, and I KNOW people. Now I get to use that to help people.”

David Millett, M.D., Ph.D.
Program Director, Epilepsy, Hoag Neurosciences Institute Medical Director, Brain Science Technologies, EEG to go
Dr. Millett is a board-certified neurologist specializing in seizures, epilepsy and electroencephalography (EEG). He received his BA from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and obtained both his MD and PhD in 2001 from the University of Chicago. Dr. Millett returned to his native Southern California for his medical internship, neurology residency and two-year subspecialty training fellowship in Epilepsy and EEG at UCLA.
In 2007, Dr. Millett joined the faculty of Keck School of Medicine at USC and was given the task of establishing an epilepsy monitoring program to provide advanced epilepsy care for thousands of underserved patients within the Los Angeles Department of Health Services. Under Dr. Millett's guidance the epilepsy program at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation flourished, providing an array of services such as inpatient video-EEG monitoring, intracranial video-EEG monitoring, neuroimaging, neurocognitive evaluation, and epilepsy surgery. This program received a special Merit Award from the County of Los Angeles in 2011, the same year Dr. Millett was recognized as the Earl I. Feldhorn Pediatric Epilepsy Faculty at the Keck School of Medicine at USC for his efforts to provide advanced epilepsy care to children with epilepsy.
While building the Epilepsy program, Dr. Millett was contracted to oversee protocol and interpretations for our home based, Video EEG monitoring service, focusing on the Autism community. As that population grew, so did Millet’s interest in the dual diagnosis patients, suffering from both Seizures and Autism. He soon was named Medical Director of our company, and he has since read nearly 4000 patient EEG studies.
Dr. Millett relocated to the Hoag Neurosciences Institute in 2014 where he is the director of the epilepsy program, and maintains an active role in research and education through his position as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology in the Keck School of Medicine in USC. He is currently involved in numerous epilepsy-related research studies and educational projects including the use of brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies to analyze epileptogenic circuits in the human hippocampus and the cortical control movement with colleagues at USC and UCI. Dr. Millett is also completing a book on the role of electroencephalography in the historical development of neuroscience, and he is developing a Web-based Atlas of EEG for training and education.
Epilepsy is a complex and serious disorder that requires a patient-centered, comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best possible outcomes. Under the leadership of David Millett, M.D., Ph.D., who directs an integrated team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuropsychologists, nurses, technicians, and dieticians, our patients receive a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and individualized care.

Zulem Fernandez
EEG Technologist
Billing Department
Code It Right Billing
We specialize in providing billing and accounts receivable management services. We customize our services to meet your medical practice's needs in order to maximize reimbursement. We are dedicated in providing outstanding service to our providers and their patients. Call us today to see how we can help improve your practice's efficiency and profitability.
Kristina Turco, CPC
(619) 850-5683